Saturday, October 22, 2005

Time Management

I just finished reading this book called "Manage Your Time The Lazy Way". Sounds like an oxymoron doesn't it. Anyway, I managed to pull three things out that I might use to improve my life at this point of time.

a. The power of 'No'

I must learn to say 'No' to things, people, activities that will not enhance my life. I must be selective with my time. Spent a few minutes asking myself 'Will this improve my life or my family in any way?' before making the decision.

b. Do the hardest things first.

If I do the hardest thing first, my heart will feel so much lighter as the hard thing is not weighing me down the whole day. Do it first thing in the morning and get it out of the way. Do not let it suck up all my time and energy worrying about it.

c. Never put of what you can decide now.

I will make decisions on simple things on the spot. Do not say, 'I will think about it, maybe, let's see, not sure etc.' Spend a few minutes to ask yourself whether it will improve your life and make the decision. This will free up the nagging feeling in my head the whole day and I can use that to think of something more important!