Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Dreams, obstacles and affirmations

Was talking to a good friend last night. He was sharing that when I want to pursue a dream, have I prepare myself for my dream? Have I done anything to improve myself so that I will be closer to that dream? It is not enough to just do things on the outside? I might do well but I will never be outstanding. To be outstanding, I have to connect the inside with the outside and with the spritual (universe). When I have achieve this, I would have truly live my life.

So what are the worst things that can possibly happen if I decide that I want to pursue my dream? It comes down to 3 main things in any pursuit.

a. time

Am I willing to spend time on it even when I am sick, dead tired, love one pass away, child sick, etc.

b. money

Am I willing to forgo other forms of money no matter how easy or how much as it will only serve to keep me away from my dream.

c. embarassment

Am I willing to take snide and disparaging remarks, criticisms, blames, etc. and not let it affect me in all aspects. This is the most important as I am weak minded and easily influence and swayed.
ALWAYS use affirmations to keep my focus in times like these.

This brings me to the next thing, affirmations.

I am rich.
I will be rich.

A good way to keep my dream alive is to constantly remind myself through affirmations. Affirmations should begin with 'I am' and not 'I will'. 'I will' has no time frame and this makes it difficult to know when I will succeed.

With 'I am', I am constanly reminding myself that 'I am rich' in this example. With constant reminders, my mind will subconciously realize that there is a gap that has to be bridge between the present me and the rich me. The mind will slowly bridge that gap.
I will start to see little changes and this will soon take over me.