Monday, October 10, 2005

Mind matters

I am currently reading this book 'The Way is Within' by Ron Rathbun. It will probably take a while as every page has to be digested slowly. I read and tried to apply 3 points to my life today but it definitely requires more practice.

a. Focus your thoughts inward.

I should close me eyes and focus my thoughts instead of being distracted by things and people around me. Focus on what I want myself to be. Refine, define and refine my thoughts constantly as my future is there.

b. Control yourself, not others.

I must control my thoughts. Don't let anyone else take control. Disconnect the buttons in my mind that make me lose control. Step back and ask myself why I feel like that. I will know the answer in my heart. Is it because I have not done my work and trying to be defensive? or am I too pround and self-centered to take advice as I am change adverse? Speak the truth and I will be free.

c. Keep your mind sharp and in control.

I can decide which emotions and thoughts I want to feel. So I have to be in control and not let my thoughts run me. Keep my mind beautiful and free from negative thoughts. I can do anything if I put my heart to it.